The many guises of Aganetha Smart, Girl Runner

SnyderBiegaczkaGirlRunner rd2_asnyder-de rosebud atletiekclub voor vrouwen-cmykGirl Runner9781770894327-2Screenshot 2014-12-15 11.49.13

I just received the cover art for the Polish version of Girl Runner (titled “Biegaczka”; any Polish-speakers out there? does it translate as Girl Runner?), and thought it might be fun to line up the covers so far, and see all these versions of Aganetha Smart running, flying, leaping, winning, or standing pensive and strong, as in the Dutch version, which will have the title “The Rosebud Athletics Club for Women.”

Because the images appear on the screen in a different order depending on your browser, it doesn’t work to tell you what cover comes from where by going around clockwise, but included here are covers from: Poland, the United States, the UK & Australia, Spain & Latin America, Canada, and the Netherlands. (I should run a contest–which cover comes from where!)

I also just got off the phone with Owlkids, the publisher of my first children’s book, The Candy Conspiracy, and will take this opportunity to note that although the official pub date isn’t until April, 2015, it’s already available for pre-order on various book-selling websites in Canada and the US. Here’s what it looks like.


Will it be different to be a children’s author than an adult author? I guess I’ll find out soon enough. And I will let you know, but of course … One difference will be the launch party: way more gummy worms. (This launch party basically plans itself.)

xo, Carrie

Snapshot, briefly
Dear Tooth Fairy, I lost my tooth


  1. Chris Cameron

    Biegacz is a runner, or a racer; the -ka suffix makes it feminine. This I knew from the introductory Russian course I took this fall. Google Translate helped with the caption, which is something like: “Sometimes she simply has to run. It’s like the answer to everything.”
    Just finished a run myself and I couldn’t agree more.

    • Carrie Snyder

      Cool! I never even thought to go to Google translate. I think that’s a direct line from the book, actually.

  2. Trilby

    Gorgeous covers, Carrie – congratulations!

    • Carrie Snyder

      Thank you, Trilby! It’s exciting to see the covers come in.


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