Awards & nominations


photo credit Hilary Gauld

Finalist for the Hamilton Literary Awards’ “Kerry Schooley Book Award,” 2023

〉 FRANCIE’S GOT A GUN published by Knopf Canada

Finalist for the Rogers Writers’ Trust Award for Fiction, 2014

〉 GIRL RUNNER published in Canada by House of Anansi

Finalist for the Governor General’s Award for Literature, 2012

〉 THE JULIET STORIES published by House of Anansi

Finalist for National Magazine Award for creative non-fiction, 2014

〉 “Delivery” published in THE NEW QUARTERLY

Winner of the Waterloo Region Arts Award for literature, 2012

〉 for all-around AWESOMENESS

Winner, Canadian Weblog Awards, 2014

〉 OBSCURE CANLIT MAMA first, Writing & Literature; third, Life

Finalist for the Danuta Gleed Award for short fiction, 2004

〉 HAIR HAT published by Penguin Canada

Region of Waterloo Arts Fund grant, 2021

〉 for research toward a novel-in-progress tentatively titled TWO WOMEN

Access Copyright Foundation Marian Hebb research grant, 2021

〉 for research toward the TWO WOMEN project

Canada Council Explore and Create grant, 2020

〉 supporting the project that became FRANCIE’S GOT A GUN (Knopf Canada, 2022)

Ontario Arts Council recommender grant, 2020

〉 for as-yet-unpublished short story collection WHY GIVE YOURSELF AWAY?