What you can’t see is the cheering section in the front window (Apple-Apple even wrote encouragement on a piece of paper: “Be careful moving the leaves.”). Honestly, the whole family stood at the window, waving and grinning with such excitement, CJ shouting so loudly I could hear him through the double-paned glass–I felt heroic.
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About me
My name is Carrie Snyder. I work in an elementary school library. I’m a fiction writer, reader, editor, dreamer, arts organizer, workshop leader, forever curious. Currently pursuing a certificate in conflict management and mediation. I believe words are powerful, storytelling is healing, and art is for everyone.
i. love. this.
Thanks, Kristin. You know, it really took me back to childhood when I was happiest outside, lugging something heavy around–truly! That sense of enterprise and accomplishment. I love being reminded of who I was and am.
Oh my god… that’s a lot of yard work!
I should assure you, Julia, that I did not actually have to do the yard work required to fill those bags with leaves–I just moved the finished product. A couple of the hockey guys were kind enough to come last Saturday and rake our backyard!! We have a lot of trees!