Friday, Apr 17, 2009 | Play, Spring |
Thursday, Apr 16, 2009 | Play, Spring |

We snacked, we played. It was sunny, if not hot. CJ wore his sunhat without complaint. Spring has sprung.
Thursday, Apr 9, 2009 | Kids, Music, Spring |

Walking to school this afternoon … thinking praise be for sunshine. We’re getting our roof done, and just learned our back porch is rotting away, like the front. Sometimes it feels like we’re just perpetually falling apart around here; yet I feel oddly bouyant. The bottom photo is of the older children’s folk music choir, after their performance earlier this week. It was moving to watch them gradually relax, lose some of the stage nerves, and sing from their hearts, even if they didn’t know every word. Though the expression on Albus’s face is kinda how he looked the entire time. When I asked him afterward what he’d been thinking, he couldn’t say.
Here’s a taste of the performance (I couldn’t get it to upload here).
Saturday, Apr 4, 2009 | Kids, Photos, Spring |

Tuesday, Mar 17, 2009 | Kevin, Kids, Photos, Spring |

Experiment’s done. I’m going back to the single blog, and will mingle photographs haphazardly with words, hang the consequences and messiness. Life is messy. Here’s what we found in our backyard today: snowdrops poking through brown earth; a toddler who looked as comfortable as the old-timers in the sandbox; children climbing and running and imagining; one man resting his leg and supervising.
Friday, Mar 6, 2009 | Bicycles, Spring |
Warmth. No jacket.
Library. Wind.
“I’m afraid of those big trucks, Mommy.” Bicycle with training wheels.
Stroller wheel corroded off mid-sidewalk push.
Cucumber sandwiches for lunch.
Afternoon sun.
Spaghetti pie planned for supper.
Time to wake the baby. (Oh. Can I still call him a baby when he’s nearly one year old?).
Almost a year spun by since we first met him.
Almost a year since the other children made up the song called “CJ brought spring.”