Why I want to be a midwife

This morning, at the very moment this blog publishes (9:30 AM), I will be in Hamilton, Ontario at McMaster University starting an interview process known as MMI (multiple-mini-interview) in the hopes of earning a place in their midwifery program this fall. (Unless my carshare car has broken down by the side of the road en route, or I’ve developed a violent stomach flu, or any number of other worst-case scenarios occur that have been plaguing my dreams all week.)

The MMI is an interviewing process that involves, as I understand it, the applicant visiting ten different rooms in rapid succession, and being asked in each room to respond to a new question or scenario. Each room has a different assessor present, and the conversation/scenario ends after ten minutes. And then it’s on to the next room. I wonder whether I’ll agree with this statement afterward, but I’m actually looking forward to the process — to getting in there, digging in, presenting myself, being myself, experiencing something new and different.

I’ve done some groundwork, as best I can. I’ve grilled my friend who graduated from the program two years ago. I’ve read a book of essays on midwifery in Ontario that she recommended. And I’ve written down my thoughts and wandered around the house answering imaginary questions in long rambling mutters.

So here’s what I’m planning to say if asked: “Why do you want to be a midwife?” Which seems like a question I ought to expect and know the answer to.

I want to be a midwife because I want to do work that is practical, hands-on, and meaningful.

I want to work with women, and their families, during moments of profound transition and change, and assist in the process. I want to learn and practice new skills. I want to empower women to make choices about their bodies that bring them health, confidence, and strength.

I would be privileged to become a midwife. I think birth is a life-altering physical experience that has the power to be spiritually meaningful, too.

I have been drawn to midwifery since witnessing (and helping, a bit!) my mother labour and give birth, at home, to my sister, with amazing midwives in attendance. I was twelve-and-a-half and have been fascinated by birth and midwifery ever since. In my early teens I pored over Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May Gaskin. Two of my favourite subjects in high school were biology and chemistry. At nineteen, while a university arts major, I picked up a flier for the then-brand-new midwifery education program in Ontario, but didn’t work up the courage to apply (wisely, I think, as it wouldn’t have been the right moment in my life). I chose midwifery care for my own pregnancies, and was fortunate to give birth at home three out of four times (the hospital birth being due to complications). In the past four years, I’ve been invited to support friends and family through labour and birth, both at home and in hospital.

[Note: my daughter advises me to edit the above paragraph heavily, and not mention why I didn’t become a midwife before — “You’re never going to fit all of this into ten minutes, Mom! And you just have to tell them why you want to be a midwife now.” Excellent point. Glad I rehearsed it with her.]

I want to be a midwife because I believe it combines physical and spiritual work. I want to work directly with people in a way that seems to me quite unique: midwifery care, as I’ve experienced it, is intimate, personal, compassionate, supportive, celebratory, active, at times requiring intense involvement and attention, and at other times requiring deep listening and attention. I see it as a job that is in service to the health and well-being of others. In that way, it’s very much like my writing work, but with an outward pull rather than an inward pull. I see the two being quite connected. Both work requires intuition grounded in knowledge, trust, and a good ear.

I also want to be a midwife because it is my goal, eventually, when my children are grown, to volunteer and serve in areas of the world, or here in Canada, where health care is less accessible, and there is a need for perinatal care.

Why midwifery rather than another health care profession? It could be due to my formative and positive experiences with midwives. It could be because midwifery’s long history and tradition is of women helping women, and I would love to join that tradition. It could be because I’ve got a bit of the counter-cultural in me, as well as an interest in being a medical professional. A midwife, to me, is someone who believes in the fundamental power of a woman’s body, and that ties in to my interest in overall health, fitness, and strength.

I would bring to my practice a belief that we can all live inside our bodies with respect and care. I would also bring the understanding that not everything can be planned. I would bring the ability to be flexible, to be open to what may be rapidly-changing situations, and to be responsive to shifting choices and needs. I know myself to be calm, focused, and decisive when that is called for, but I also have a light touch in weighty matters. I try to read the situation and respond as needed.

Am I totally off-topic? What was the question? [Insert anxiety dream scenario here …]

Please … wish me luck!

Ice storm, aka "the day they should have cancelled school"
A good day to learn how to swim


  1. feistyredhair

    Yes!!! Those are wonderful thoughts and responses to the question! I hope it all goes well because I think you’d make a great midwife.

    • Carrie Snyder

      I’m not sure I even got through a third of my planned speech, and it was only a third as articulate, I’m sure … but it was thrilling to get the opportunity to be there, talking about why I want to be a midwife!

    • Carrie Snyder

      Wow! I had no idea, Miranda. That’s amazing. No wonder I love your writing — you’re a kindred spirit.
      And, yes, I do seem drawn to difficult careers. I must feed off of challenge.

  2. cathy/waterloo,ON

    thinking of you, carrie!!!
    it is 11:11 a.m., so you are likely just finishing up the mini-interviews…positive vibes coming your way!!!
    would love to hear how things went, if you feel like sharing. and thanks for posting your thoughts…you would make a most excellent mid-wife (and i totally believe with the life-timing of your application; maturity brings wisdom to this profession).

  3. doradueck

    Luck wished! I suspect you may also draw on the bond to and joy of your children. My daughter-in-law, who has five children and works (when she can manage it) as doula and birth photographer, is hoping to study midwifery as well down the road. I’ll follow your path with interest for her sake as well.

  4. Fiona

    Wow – I almost want to be a midwife myself now! Hope the interview went well.

    • Carrie Snyder

      I can’t assess how I did, only know that I did the best I could …

  5. m

    It’s 10:20 PDT, so I’m guessing you are out of your interviews now. I read this with misty eyes, so proud of you. You are going to do so well, and I have a strong feeling that you will get in, and that you will eventually become a most excellent midwife.

    I loved my midwives, and was lucky to have the same one at all three of my births, and two others at my first two. It’s a very special relationship, isn’t it? I miss them. I think I should write my clinic a letter.

    I can’t wait to hear how it went. xoxo

    • Carrie Snyder

      Thank you, thank you, Marita. I feel very supported on this journey so far.
      It is a special relationship. Write your midwives a letter! They will appreciate it!

  6. katie

    Wonderful! I hope it went well.

  7. Clare

    Good luck! This is my daughter’s ambition too and she’s just starting to learn how much preparation is needed. I’ve sent her your post and would love to give her a booklist if you have recommendations.

    • Carrie Snyder

      Reconceiving Midwifery is the collection of essays on midwifery in Ontario.
      I loved Spiritual Midwifery (Ina May Gaskin) as a teen, and when preparing for my births.
      Sheila Kitzinger is also good. I’m sure there are others too!

  8. Al

    This is absolutely beautiful. I am in midwifery school and graduate in May and am so ready!! How is everything going for you?

    • Carrie Snyder

      Hi there, thank you for your message. I wish you a beautiful work-life going forward.

  9. Jade

    lovely interview answer… Did you get in to the university?

    • Carrie Snyder

      Thanks you. Short answer: yes. I did get in to the midwifery program.

      • Carly Stephenson

        Fantastic… are you enjoying it??

  10. birungo maimuna

    This is really awesome .I’ve read it today I’m having my interview on 8th april.I would love to join the midwifery school just praying that I pass .I’ve really loved your piece

  11. Kaitlyn

    Hi Carrie,

    Did you ever pursue this career? I find so much inspiration in your words as I too am pursuing this path…

  12. Erin

    hi my name is Erin and i’m only 13 but i really want to be a midwife so so much and i just wanted to say that i would appreciate absolutely any advice on skills that i should be good at or anything really i know i’m really young but i am so interested in midwifery.

    • Carrie Snyder

      Hi Erin, I was also interested in midwifery at your age. I would recommend reading books about midwifery and birth, which you can probably get the library. You might want to consider studying biology and chemistry in high school, since those are often prerequisites for midwifery programs. Other than that, do the things that make you happy and keep you healthy. You’ll be a better midwife if your feet are solidly on the ground, and you know how to take care of yourself. It’s a difficult job, so it’s good to practice skills that help you stay in the moment and not get overwhelmed. You’ll have to figure out what works best for you. Meditation, yoga, exercise, healthy eating, and getting a good night’s sleep are some of the things that work to keep me calm and grounded.
      Good luck! Carrie

      • Erin

        thank you so much Carrie i didn’t think anyone would respond to my comment, you don’t even know how much i appreciate it there aren’t very many resources for people my age who are looking to be midwifes, i live in the UK and i am currently choosing what subjects i will be learning in the next three years but obviously not many of them have to do with midwifery. i will definitely go to my local library and look for books though i don’t think there will be too many for my age but i will have a look anyway. i am currently studying biology and chemistry as well and i’m going to study biology in college. thank you again i really appreciate the advice.

      • Erin

        are there any specific books you would recommend for someone my age who is interested in midwifery

        • Carrie Snyder

          Hi Erin, I’m not 100% sure how age-appropriate these books would be (although I read similar books at your age): I recommend The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth, by Sheila Kitzinger; and Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth, by Ina May Gaskin. Good luck with your studies!

          • Erin

            thank you carrie for the book suggestions i will look for those book and try read them in the next few months. also thank you for all the advice i know i won’t be studying midwifery for another 5 years but i’m already excited to.
            also is anyone near my age (13) is reading this then please email me and we can discuss midwifery i know it’s very unlikely for anyone to read this comment and be near my age but you never know my email is erinevelyn08@gmail.com

  13. Carlie

    Carrie, I stumbled upon your writing while I myself am writing an essay about why I want to become a midwife. Seems like divine intervention. Beautifully written. I feel like there is an unspoken connection between those of us called to do this work. I’m currently in my first year of midwifery in Alberta. Thank you for sharing your beautiful insights.

  14. Narh Ivy Fafanyo

    It’s my passion to support and care for women during pregnancy, labour and birth.I want to help pregnant women stay healthy and,if no complications arise, gives birth with little intervention


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