On the beet theme, for this week’s school lunches I’ve made secret chocolate muffins, which are made with 2 cups of cooked beet puree. That recipe can be found in Simply in Season (as Secret Chocolate Cake).
I am happy to report that we’ve started “cooking with kids” again: today’s child in charge is Albus, with Kevin in charge of him, and the menu features German fare: spaetzle (a boiled homemade egg noodle), sausage hotpot, with cinnamon apple pancakes for dessert. No beets involved.
Hi Carrie,
Do you know if your beet recipe can be stored over the long term… I’ve been fantasizing about homemade pickled beets but the recipes I’ve found so far have been daunting in their requirements for long term preservation. Love your preserved list! Your freezer must be bigger than ours.
Nope, this is a short-term recipe, though there’s so much vinegar and salt, I can’t imagine it ever going bad. And though I didn’t process the jars in a canner, the lids popped to indicate they’d sealed. I might put the jars in the fridge tomorrow, but my guess is Nath would keep them on her counter for quite a lot longer. My mom pickles beets frequently. Beets keep, so you can pickle them as you go throughout the winter; maybe that’s why there aren’t as many long-term recipes?
I do think that anything pickled should be easy to keep for long periods of time.
And we have two small chest freezers, one utterly bursting at the seams, the second with a bit of space, but not much left; plus the fridge freezer. I’m fantasizing about getting a gigantic chest freezer … but a little bit afraid of losing things in one of those.
We have 2 smaller freezers as well… but there may be some forgotten things composting very slowly at the bottom of the chest style one.