Day 20 prompt for a creative pause


Day 20 Prompt

What’s a belief you’re fully committed to? Write first. Then draw. Or vice versa.

Notes: I wrote first. Mistake. Now I don’t feel like drawing. My beliefs seem to be all quite pessimistic, and to be honest, I’m not fully committed to what I’ve written, except for the opening two sentences: “I am. I believe that I exist.” Okay, good start, Carrie. Well, here are my excuses. I’ve been sick. I’m still tired. But I’m on the mend! I’ve made a to-do list! And here’s a belief that I can fully back: it’s dark by 5:30PM and I believe the light will be coming back soon.

xo, Carrie

Day 19 prompt for a creative pause
Day 21 prompt for a creative pause

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