I am posting to you from my new home in Blogland! If all has gone according to plan, the transition has been seamless and you’ll find yourself here even if you’d gone looking for my former address. If I’d moved houses in real life, the same could not be said. This is much easier.
As with all moves, I expect there to be a few glitches as I figure out the plumbing, so to speak. I welcome your comments and thoughts, and hope you’ll feel just as much at home here as you did in the old blog. If you take a look around, you’ll see there’s more space now, rooms upstairs for events listings and news and information about my books, and the pictures are bigger, but the light feels the same to me. And the colours. And the faces. Just look at those faces.
Plus, I’ve brought along ‘most everything from the old place. All posts and photos are here too, going right back to the beginning. You can still subscribe via email, if you don’t already. Recipes and books-I’m-reading-now can be found in “Extras.” Packing up and moving all those boxes was easy too: my brother Cliff did the heavy lifting. (His company 10AM.ca does great work, if you’re considering a digital renovation, redesign, or move.)
So c’mon in. Keep your shoes on, we’re not fussy (even if we’re dressed up in this post; trust me, this is not the new normal). Stay awhile. And please come back and visit again soon. I’m really excited to share the new place with you. (Enough with the extended metaphor! Enough, I said! Okay. Stopping now.)
xo, Carrie
Carrie your new blog home is gorgeous. But enough about your children… !
Really, it looks great. I can’t remember the exact differences between the old and the new but I could see immediately that you had moved uptown. May you spend many happy years here. BTW, did I send you the link to the review of the M-Word I did for Descant? http://www.descant.ca/blog/2014/05/08/the-m-word-life-in-part-of-the-hood/ [you can take that out if you are moderating comments before posting!!). I can’t make it to your launch, but will tweet the info from @DescantMagazine. Congratulations all around: a new bloghouse and a new book. Just typing that makes me want to have a nap.
Welcome Carrie. Beautiful site.
Gorgeous! Hope you feel at home quickly. By the way, I am (sadly) out of town the weekend of your launch.
The Guys @ 10am.com just finished doing the heavy lifting for us to. .. Love their work.