my office: picture me behind that window
Words written yesterday: 2,421.
(includes 674 words written last night after I should have been in bed)
Word total for book: 81,861.
Happy dances: 0.
High fives: 0.
Early morning run with friend: 1.
Scenes left to write: 3.
Scenes left to rewrite: 3.
Piano lessons to ferry children to: 2.
Swim practice to ferry child to: 1.
Soccer practice involving husband and son: 1.
Supper plan: ?
a) noodle soup
b) hummus with ?
c) pasta with red sauce
Emotions: clouded.
Because: I’ve been here before, on the precipice of done.
Because: I know that done does not equal done.
And yet: I’ve brought this book this far.
That’s something.
I honour the effort.
Word goal for today: 1000.
And … GO!
YES! Gogogogogo!
You’ve brought this book so far. Congratulations! xo
theme for meditation today: joy. I can share some with you.
Must have worked, because I started my day feeling the joy in an early morning yoga class.