Young, Hot, and Local

totally unrelated photo

Amusingly, I read this article today on CBC Books because the title interested me: “Book blogs we appreciate: the 2012 edition.” Scrolling down, yes, I know that one, and that one, and that one too — hey, what the?? That can’t be right. That’s me!

Weird, huh.

To sustain the self-promotional links theme, let me add that I’ll be reading at the Eden Mills Writers Festival on Sunday, from 12:30-1:30, along with Tanis Rideout and Dani Couture. We’re being billed as “Young, Hot, and Local.” (!!) I can’t comment. Just can’t comment. Resist the urge to comment, Carrie.

Anyway, Eden Mills is family friendly, and I plan to bring mine and spend the afternoon. It’s a beautiful setting too.

And that’s all she wrote. For this afternoon. Off to the cross-town piano lesson scramble.

Look how we've grown
Take your chances when they come


  1. Tricia Orchard

    That is awesome to see your name on that list! Way to go!


    • Carrie Snyder

      Thanks, Tricia! You could have knocked me over with a feather.

  2. Susan Fish

    If I were Kevin, I’d have a teeshirt made for you that said Young, Hot and Local.

    I don’t think comments are necessary. Maybe just a cool drink.

    • Carrie Snyder

      I really want that teeshirt, Susan.

  3. NathKnits

    Can I comment? You are young, hot, and local, just like that pepper I used to make salsa last weekend! 🙂

    • Carrie Snyder

      Aw, thanks! Sounds like a good salsa. 🙂

  4. cathy@1970kikiproject

    congratulations on the mention, carrie! i know i’m a fan of your blog and check in daily!

    • Carrie Snyder

      Thanks for reading, Cathy! I hope to keep writing, even while it’s super-busy!


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