The week in suppers: around Easter

Easter supper, at the farm

**Monday’s menu** Pasta with pesto. Homemade bread.
**Guests** Albus invited two friends to stay for supper. Unfortunately, he invited them after I’d cooked the food; apparently it looked really good. Now, I’ve seen these boys eat, and I was worried there wouldn’t be enough food. And I was right. In addition to devouring a double batch of pasta, our crowd ate through an entire loaf of homemade bread. Imagine this family, with friends, in their teen years. Wow. I can see the sense in serving up a first course of something like Yorkshire pudding, which is basically a heavy dumpling covered in a fatty gravy. Fill ’em up!
**Extra** Made a huge batch of pesto and froze enough for two more meals. (Or maybe just one meal, plus friends.)

**Tuesday’s menu** Rice noodles with stir-fried tofu, mushrooms, and spinach in an Asian sauce.
**Why????** Even while making this meal, I was asking: what am I doing? Who is going to eat this? (Other than me.) The kids hate mushrooms. Half of them dislike tofu. It’s all mixed together. Disaster. But I served it. And they ate it. Basically.

**Wednesday’s menu** Baked potatoes. Steamed cauliflower. Cheese sauce.
**Easy-peasy** Couldn’t be a simpler meal. Should have steamed the cauliflower slightly longer, however, for that true mushy cauliflower-in-cheese-sauce comfort food.

**Thursday’s menu** Pasta. Red sauce. Broccoli.
**Speedy** Whipped up a fresh red sauce from scratch in about twenty minutes. Then I raced off to soccer girl’s practice and had to eat afterward. Sigh. Apparently the broccoli was a huge hit. If there had been time, I would have broiled tofu.

**Friday’s menu** Kids at grandma’s. Parents eat out: Indian.


**Weekend cooking accomplishments** I’m currently working on baking bread. But it’s Easter Monday, not quite the weekend anymore. We went to Seeley’s Bay for Easter, and I did nothing in the kitchen other than enjoy the fruits of another cook’s labours.

**Cooking with kids** AppleApple baked a birthday cake with her Grandma at the farm. That counts, right?


P.S. Friends have sent *yummy *easy recipes for party cakes after I confessed to using boxed mixes in my last installment of “The week in suppers.” Look for a special Party Cake recipe post coming later today. (And think of this blog as my virtual recipe box.)

Happy Easter
Let Them Eat Cake!

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