Friday giveaway: The New Quarterly, winter, 2012

The latest issue of The New Quarterly (winter, 2012) featuring one of the chapters from The Juliet Stories. ie. your chance to get a sneak preview

Okay, friends, let’s give the giveaway a shot. So, I’ll offer up a prize, interested readers comment below, and a week from today (Jan. 27) we’ll have a draw and announce a winner. Sound like a plan?

Yesterday I visited The New Quarterly’s office and picked up copies of their latest issue. The New Quarterly is a local literary magazine with pedigree and staying power. They’ve published award-winning Canadian talent like Annabel Lyon, Erin Noteboom Bow, Douglas Glover, Stephen Heighton, Russell Smith, Diane Schoemperlen, Rebecca Rosenblum, and Andrew Pyper, to name just a few. A recent issue offered an interview with one of my favourite writers, ever, Alice Munro. Their issues frequently sell out.

Over the years, I’ve been blessed to be a part of the magazine, starting in 1991 when they published two poems that I wrote as a sixteen-year-old angst-ridden word-happy big-dreaming high school student. That kind of encouragement makes a huge difference in a developing writer’s life, let me tell you. It was the beginning of a long relationship. And their winter 2012 issue, freshly mailed and on its way to bookstores, includes a chapter from The Juliet Stories. Here is your chance to get a sneak preview of the book, which won’t be available until March.

The New Quarterly has offered me a copy of this latest issue to give away on my blog. Now, I’m a newbie at giving things away, but I like the idea. Heck, I’ll throw in a copy of my first book Hair Hat for good measure. Why not.

(Speaking of giveaways, Goodreads is giving away ten advance reading copies of The Juliet Stories. And my husband has launched a website called “Help Make Carrie’s Book a Bestseller,” (hey, we can hope!), which will also be giving away prizes to participants. Consider joining.)

Aaaaand. Enough with the giveaways. To sum up: Prizes — The New Quarterly’s winter 2012 issue and a signed copy of Hair Hat. Comment below to enter. Deadline Friday, January 27th, noon.


It’s Friday, the kids are home from school, the sun is shining, there is snow on the ground, and here I am. Wondering: will I write more of The Big Fat Juicy Belly Worm today? My kids are wondering too. AppleApple keeps asking for chapter four. Truth is, it’s been a scrambled week crammed with conversations and variety and plans and a whole lot of dashing thoughts and activities. Amidst the scramble I’ve yet to find a way to settle and sit and focus my mind and find words. But I still have all afternoon.

This is today's happy post
Around the house


  1. Tricia Orchard

    Ah, I would LOVE a copy! Hope I win! 😛


  2. Carrie Snyder

    Could you publicize the giveaway on your blog, Tricia? Even though that might reduce your chances of winning … 🙂

  3. Victoria

    oooh! pick me! pick me! 😀

  4. Carrie Snyder

    Nice to meet you, Victoria. I’m going to let one of my kids do the draw! 🙂

  5. Margo

    I would LOVE to win this giveaway!! You’re on my blog sidebar, so hopefully my readers see your blog post title and come over.

  6. Carrie Snyder

    Thanks, Margo! That’s great!

  7. Unready, Unwilling, Unable

    I never win anything. I also never enter contests or draws. Who knows, might be a connection there. Sometimes, though, leaving the house and stepping out into daylight feels like a real personal victory. I know – not the same thing. Thanks, Carrie: finally, a contest worth entering…

  8. Nath

    Me, please! I signed up for your ChallengeThis page too. Does that get me an extra ballot?

  9. Carrie Snyder

    Hey, that’s a good idea, Nath! Hm, I don’t know if I should go changing the rules, though. How about you’ll be entered in the draw at the Challenge site too? Very similar draw over there. 🙂

  10. Laura Callum

    I would love to win this draw. I wish you every success Carrie!

  11. Tricia Orchard

    Hi Carrie! Yes, of course I can publicize it on my blog! I just happened to look back here this morning to check out the competition and saw your comment. I will do so today.

    Have a great weekend.


  12. Nath

    I was just kidding! But I’ll take it! 🙂

  13. Carrie Snyder

    Hi Laura, thanks for entering!

    And thanks for putting the word out, Tricia.

  14. m

    Yes, please! And I’ll mention it on my blog, too–a three of my readers may be interested.

  15. Sarah

    Hi Carrie, count me in too! I’m planning on writing about The Juliet Stories and this giveaway on my blog sometime soon!

  16. Daniel Lalonde

    Pick me. I’ve read NQ before. Submitted work before… Great reads!

  17. Kim Rigden

    I would love to win this…I will buy it anyway, but winning always makes one feel so…accomplished 🙂
    and I will let Trish borrow it.

  18. Carrie Snyder

    Thanks, everybody! Glad to see there are other New Quarterly fans out there. And I appreciate any extra publicity on your blogs, etc.

    Looks like we’ll have at least ten names in the hat!

  19. cathy@1970kikiproject

    best wishes with your latest book, carrie!
    i read “hair hat,” and really enjoyed it. (the honest details – i keep a reading log…i finished “hair hat” on june 17, 2005 and gave it a *** rating – my top mark is ****!). a signed copy would be a welcome addition to my book shelves!
    so, i’d love to win your giveaway – and thanks for hosting it!

  20. Christyn

    Why not put my name in the hat?! I’ve never actually read a New Quarterly. Time to branch out! Thanks Carrie.

  21. Chell

    Hello Carrie,

    I’m a fellow writer and friends with Katie C-L, who referred me to your blog. I’d love to toss my name into the hat! Looking forward to reading your work (whether I win or not). 🙂


  22. melanie

    Oh, I would love to win too! What a fun giveaway.

  23. Carrie Snyder

    Thanks for the support everybody! And lovely to meet those of you whom I haven’t before. *Dropping more names into the hat …*

  24. Tricia Orchard

    Carrie – is this giveaway open internationally?

  25. Carrie Snyder

    Good question, Tricia … I was thinking as internationally as the United States.

  26. Tricia Orchard

    Okay, you might want to say that somewhere, just in case! Often on giveaways people will write something like “Giveaway open to US residents only” or “open internationally”. You might want to specify Canada and US only..

  27. FadedPaper

    Hungry for more CanLit. Want.

  28. Leah

    Here I am, hopefully not too late for the contest!

    And a question – because I am curious and am looking forward to purchasing your book – does the author get the same $$ from the sale of their book no matter where the book is purchased from? Is your revenue soley on a per book basis or is it by printing run as well?

  29. Carrie Snyder

    Hi Leah–not too late, it’s open until Friday!

    re your question: it doesn’t matter where the book is purchased, as long as it’s purchased new. Obviously used book sales do not go to the author or the publisher. I was paid an advance, so the first thing that needs to happen is that I earn back the advance through sales. Only after that will I earn royalties on sales. Volume is key, ie. volume of sales. I may earn slightly less for the ebook, but I have to doublecheck that. Which isn’t to discourage anyone from buying ebooks! I think it can be a great way to buy and read books.

  30. Ariel Gordon

    I like TNQ. I like getting things for free. Ergo, I would like a free copy of TNQ.

  31. Carrie Snyder

    Thanks everybody! I’m thrilled to have you all participating in my first ever giveaway.

  32. Kavi

    I would love a copy. I love your blog but never commented. The word “giveaway” brought me out of lurkdom!

  33. Carrie Snyder

    Yay! I love hearing from the quiet readers. Thanks for joining in, Kavitha.

  34. Caroline Kelly

    Having a great read with my cup of tea helps keep me sane. Having an advance copy is brilliant!

  35. spog777

    Now its time to wish, hope and wait 😉

  36. renee hermansen

    would love to enter to win please.

  37. Elizabeth

    Getting in under the wire for the give-a-way but please put my name in the hat. I to have been lurking and enjoying your blog. I’m looking forward to reading your stories. Congratulations!

  38. Carrie Snyder

    Thanks everyone! Looking forward to drawing one of your names tomorrow!

  39. sandyandcosmo

    I’m always looking for something new to read, thanks for the giveaway!

  40. Anonymous

    thanks for this giveaway!

  41. Carrie Snyder

    Okay, the giveaway is officially over!

    I will pick a name and let you know the winner tomorrow! Thanks to everyone who signed up!


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