Christmas Baking

Do you have favourite Christmas/holiday cookie recipes? If so, please tell me! This year, I want to move beyond my usual roll-out sugar cookie recipe. Thank you. I will post photos if they turn out.

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  1. Tricia Orchard

    My gingerbread recipe, which I already mentioned to you on FB. I have another one I will be posting today.

    Can’t wait to see what other responses you get.


  2. m

    My Mom makes amazing cookies. We just call them “Christmas Cookies”. They’re a German recipe and labour intensive that are something between sugar cookies and peak freans, but less sweet. I haven’t made them yet, because they take all day. If you are interested I can email you the recipe.

    I’ve tried different cookies, but I mostly just make sugar cookies and shortbread. I love shortbread. I wish I had the time/drive to make more. I get lazy in the kitchen at Christmas, unfortunately.

  3. Leah

    I love my grandmother’s shortbread recipe – they were like little snow balls if they go into the oven with the batter a little chilled and flat crisps if the batter is room temp. If you manage to store them for a couple of weeks they age beautifully. And so few ingredients!

    1/2 c corn starch
    1/2 c powdered sugar
    1 c flour
    1 c butter (salted)

    Sift dry ingredients, cream into soft butter, roll into balls onto ungreased cookie sheet, bake at 300 F for 20-25 minutes until just browned on the edges. Sprinkles etc can work on these too.


  4. Carrie Snyder

    Hmmm … cookies that take all day might do me in. If you try making them yourself, let me know how it goes, ‘k, Marita?

    Thanks for the recipe, Leah. I’ve yet to make shortbread, can’t wait to try it!

    And, thanks, also for the gingerbread recipe, Tricia. Our house is going to smell fabulous next week.

  5. Carrie Snyder

    This is the recipe that Mark’s Oma (Ruth Harder of N. Newton, Kansas) gave us.

    1 large or 2 small eggs
    1.5 c. sugar
    1 c. margarine (I use butter, of course)
    1/2 t. anise oil
    2 T. syrup (I use dark)
    3 3/4 c. flour
    1 t. cinnamon
    1/2 t. pepper
    1/2 t. cloves
    1/2 t. ginger

    Mix dough. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight. Make rolls about the width of your pinky finger and slice thinly. Bake at 350 until turning brown (not long). Cool and enjoy!

    (posted on Facebook … but I want to save it here for reference!)

  6. Bonnie

    I have a few cookie recipes listed on my blog Carrie…the shortbread being my favourite!
    I think I have baked between 3500 and 4000 cookies this season so far-phew!

    Good luck!

  7. Leah

    For my shortbreads a little correction – bake 9-12 minutes (at least for the version where you don’t refridgerate)! It had been a few years since I’d done this one and ended up with a sad tray of slightly singed cookies this week.



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