It’s a Good Thing He’s So Freaking Cute

Should write a new post. Too weary for much. This family day just about did me in. More accurately, it was the attempt to go to a movie this afternoon–Where the Wild Things Are–en famille. As we were gathering our debris and getting everyone into snow clothes afterward, Fooey declared, “That was the best family day ever!” Kevin and I just looked at each other in amused disbelief. Down in the lobby, I said, “Hey, how about we go out to a nice restaurant now and torment some more paying customers,” and we both got the giggles. So did a pleasant-looking couple who was happening by. I think perhaps my worst moment during the movie was when CJ spilled a bag of cookies and then crawled around eating them off the floor AND THEN discovered that he could fit under the seats and headed off to the row behind us–and made it. Oh, there was some shushing going on all around us. That was when I gave up and headed for the bathroom, which is where we spent the rest of the movie. Was there a movie? Was it good? Fooey summed up the best parts for me over leftovers at home (we declined to hit up a restaurant on the way home). Now I can’t recall what she said, but it was funny. “He left because he wasn’t the king. Nobody was!” Oh, yes. I’m recalling it now. Apparently one of the monsters gets his arms ripped off (that happened while I was in the bathroom; sounded traumatic, but no one seemed perturbed). “And it was his favourite arm!” said Fooey. “Why would he have a favourite arm?” And then she tried to pick which of hers was the favourite; but she couldn’t.
And now I need a nice glass of red wine to recover my sanity. The holiday is definitely over. And these Olympics are inflicting serious sleep deprivation upon me. I keep staying up late so as not to miss any must-not-miss moments. Boy. Was I glad I stayed up last night for the gold medal run.
Another blog has posted a review of Hair Hat. Pretty fine. I’m amazed and gratified to find that this dear little book of mine has found new life, six years on. Six years? Yes. It’s really been that long.
And here’s the other thing we did today: we made a music video in honour of Canada’s first gold medal. The homemade music is a bit lacking, but you would not believe the chaos in which it was recorded. Oh, wait. You just read my account of the movie above. So you’d believe it. Anyway. We tried. And it was a genuine all-family-project, just like Kevin and I had hoped to accomplish today. Phew.

Break-Through Family Meeting!
"Look After Each Other!"


  1. Nath

    I have a favourite arm. My right. My left arm is pretty much useless, except I’d look pretty goofy without it.

  2. Auntie Cake's Shop

    I have a favourite arm. The one that keeps me from committing matricide. Oh, did I say that out loud? Perhaps we suffer the same affliction. We too had an “interesting” Family Day. My husband Michael Bryson and I took the TTC to ROM – “God, Mum, can’t we get an Autoshare?” – and then we found out the Bat Cave was closed…like, why bother!? Aft trying to create the perfect family dinner and play real games and stuff- overhearing covnersation with daddy at bedtime, apparently fell so far short of the mark. As it is re-told- Well, I didn’t get to see any of my friends today, after we went to the ROM.” It is a good thing they are cute. Otherwise….the arm might swing out…


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