Wait! Birthday So Far Revised!

So, Kev and the boys were gone when Fooey and I got home from taking AppleApple to horse camp … gone for a walk, the note said. It did not add: to the camera store.
I’m speechless.

Birthday So Far
I Have Been Informed That This Is How I Should Hold My New Camera


  1. isohedral

    Nice! What is it, if you don’t mind me asking?

  2. katie

    yes! can’t wait for more beautiful pictures.

  3. the b in subtle

    HIPPO. BIRDIE. TWO EWES! Carrie! I hope you are enjoying the day and I am absolutely GREEN with envy over your new camera. (I look so forward to funding this kind of thing for myself once I sell the farmhouse!) How very exciting! Hope we can see you tomorrow to do a wee belated celebratin. And I hope the coming year makes all your b-day wishes come true! xoxo

  4. Julia

    Wow, Carrie! Great new photos. Makes me want to actually read the “digital photog 4 dummies” book I keep hauling home from the library. Sounds like a job for the next couple of days. Happy birthday dinner!

  5. Carrie Snyder

    Craig: it’s the camera you recommended. It may indeed be your exact camera (check at home–are you missing yours?). 🙂
    Julia: hm, yes, I could perhaps use some lessons … it’s complicated! Let me know if you pick up some good tips!
    Nancy and Katie: thank you for your faith in my future photo taking abilities. It’s been awfully exciting so far!

  6. kristin

    oh my. these photos are stunning.

    can’t wait.


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