Moms Are Feminists Too

Hi readers. Could I ask a favour, please? I’m working on a zine project for my women’s studies class, and have launched a blog to complement it. Both relate to a recent post on how the personal feels political. The blog is called Moms Are Feminists Too. If you are a feminist and a mother, or even a mother who’s thought a bit about feminism, would you consider visiting and responding to my opening questionnaire? It focuses on motherhood, identity, work, and feminism.
I haven’t got any brilliant ideas, yet, for change, but basically want to create a forum to discuss how we can make this job of mothering more valued in our culture. Think of these two extreme characterizations of stay-home mothers: yummy mummies and welfare moms. Think of the negative baggage both of those images carry: on the one hand, we have the self-indugent hyper-privileged moms, and on the other, the lazy, uneducated moms. It’s mean. And it’s prevalent. (Can you think of a different prevailing characterization for motherhood today? If so, I want to know! My fuzzy-mummy brain can’t conjure any up …). (And, yes, I wrote that last sentence on purpose). Stay-at-home dads face similar problems, which makes me think the underlying issue is a general cultural disdain for childcare and children.
Because this is a school-related project, I can’t promise it will have legs past the assignment’s due date. But then again, maybe it will. Thanks in advance for your help and input!
Note: you don’t have agree with everything / anything I’m saying to add your voice to the mix.

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    Por: William Vicente Borges

    Que na sua vida…
    Tudo tenha a beleza das flores,
    Que não falte a luz do luar,
    Que os amigos sejam todos sinceros,
    Que o mar nunca se agite, mas se agitar

    que o barco nunca afunde.
    Que os beija-flores visitem
    todos os dias o seu jardim,
    Que os passarinhos cantem em sua janela,
    Que os sorrisos se multipliquem
    em sua face.
    Que a inspiração renasça
    a cada manhã.
    Que teus sonhos sejam realizados,
    Que seus dias de semana, sejam como o domingo.
    Que o mal não chegue a porta da casa.
    Que a tua dispensa esteja sempre abarrotada.
    Que teus olhos só contemplem bondade,
    Que cada passo teu seja iluminado por Deus.
    Que todas as manhãs te recebam com um sorriso.



    Inverno de 2009


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