Yup. I got sick too. So did Fooey.
So yesterday I wasn’t thinking much about meal planning for the week. Frankly, I wasn’t thinking much about food, period. But here’s my plan …
Meat item thawing in fridge: a five-pound whole chicken. I plan to cut it up, marinate it, and bake it. Serve it with baked rice and a sauce made with one of my cans of tomatoes. If it turns out well, I’ll post the recipe. Discovered when digging out the chicken that there are no roasts left in the freezer. Also, I think I’m giving up on the frozen homemade ketchup. I’m going to chuck it all. Must face reality: the kids don’t like it. Silver lining: having it around has cut down on our ketchup consumption.
My base meal for the week is black beans and rice. Must remember to get beans soaking after this blip of a writing morning expires. I’m writing right now (no really, I am; I should get a clone or two to live out some parallel lives beside me). Kev’s home this morning. But no extra babysitting because Fooey’s sick. Maybe by Wednesday we’ll get back to some kind of regular schedule.
Question: Is there such a thing as a regular schedule?