Sigh, this is embarrassing, but it’s all I’ve got this morning and I promise to shut up already, soon

As I look out my window I see

leaves in the street
almost bare branches
pale blue sky
a white apartment building with green trim and crooked window blinds
passing cars
a recycling truck

sometimes, people
people walking dogs
people running
people pushing baby strollers
people alone
in pairs

the floor is warm under my stocking feet
shadows move on the white bare walls
there is an echo

I want to keep this room

I did not know what I was craving
until I sat down in the quiet of this room
my own room
I did not know how much I longed
to be alone
for a little while
every day

The week in suppers: short and seasonal
Motherhood: the good years

1 Comment

  1. Margo

    ha. My husband and I are fighting over own rooms currently. I crave it too. So glad you have yours – inspiring.


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